Number 4. Tottenham Hotspurs, more commonly known as 'Spurs'. Today's mascot is an actual chicken, just a male chicken. And he does look rather intimidating, his beady eyes seem to stare at only one thing at a time. Furthermore, his banana beak looks like it has been stapled threw just above the opening and his mohican needs
to be straightened out as its a bit fluffy, all this makes him look like a four year old punk rocker who got his hands on a stapler and a few safety pins. This over-powering looking bird also has a freakish resemblance to the Bald Eagle out of the world loved Muppet Show which I found quite alarming.
Are these people trying to make him look friendly? If they are, it isn't working, he looks like his aim in life is to hypnotize little children.
It is a chicken, just a Male Chicken.