Have you ever wondered why so many football mascots look like chickens? I have. A lot. I have uncovered evidence that suggests a huge conspiracy of chickens is attempting undermine our national game by masquerading as eagles, owls and other fowl disguises.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
#15 AFC Telford

Saturday, 1 May 2010
#14 Cheltenham Town

Number 14. Cheltenham Town. This mascot is supposedly a Robin - I wouldn't place any bets on it though. The 'Robin' is an over-weight chicken and it can't deny it. Why did the person who designed this disgraceful robin costume give it hair? Do they not know that birds do not have hair? Also, when did robins have flippers? And the bird is smiling, animals cannot show human emotion. The chicken may be over-weight but its legs are very thin, hmm, suspicious. It has a Chicken beak, a chicken's head and looks like a chicken.
It's a Chicken.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
#13 Aldershot Town

Number 13. Aldershot Town. This fantasy bird is supposedly a phoenix. However, it looks like a ludicrous chicken. Other than having a wonky beak, this chicken was foolish for giving the phoenix dimples. Also, the bird in question has less hair than a new born baby. A phoenix doesn't have eyebrows, does it?
Nice Life-guard shirt by the way.
A Chicken
Sunday, 25 April 2010
#12 Swindon Town

Number 12. Swindon Town. This apparent robin is called "Rockin' Robin"- subtle. The chicken in question here is not the brightest bulb in the box for robins do not have thumbs and to buy a costume with thumbs when its meant to be a robin is just foolish. Chicken does look rather angry at the camera as its monobrow is slightly slanted, is this beacause the camera-man has just caught him in the act? Maybe he was giving the game away by pecking at seeeds on the ground.
What are those red tufts of hair above his eyes supposed to be?!? The chicken hasn't changed his beak for he still has his chicken beak on - stupid mistake. To end I am just going to be mean and say that the Chicken's shorts are too high.
A "Rockin'" Chicken.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
#11 Sheffield Wednesday

Number 11. Sheffield Wednesday. This obvious chicken is called Barney the 'Owl' to Wednesday fans however to me its called 'Strange Chicken on Drugs', for the fact that his eyes are completely and utterly mental. In this particular picture the chicken looks like its trying to prove something - that he's not a chicken, maybe? He's not doing a very good job though. He also needs to lose a bit of weight, his cheeks are as big as basketballs.
Anyway, I thought owls didn't have ears...? Strange - the chicken obviously needs to learn the anatomy of an owl.
A Chicken. Not an owl.
Sheffield Wednesday
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
#10 Preston North End

Number 10. Preston North End. I know that you think I am going to call this mascot a chicken, but to tell you the truth I haven't got a clue what the heck this thing is! I think its supposed to be a duck but a 3 year old could probably get a better interpretation than this.
The eyes look like pieces of paper stuck to the creatures face and the hat is just horrendous. The beak (if that is what it even is) looks like a builder's face mask painted yellow and what's up with it's arms?
Not a Chicken - Haven't got a clue what it is.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
#9 Colchester United

A Chicken. Have fun laughing at it.
Friday, 16 April 2010
#8 Oldham Athletic

Wednesday, 14 April 2010
#7 Liverpool FC

Number 7. Liverpool Football Club. I know you've all heard of Liverpool and its Liverbirds but making little children dress up as a chicken in disguise is just appalling. It may not be an actual mascot but the only reason is because no adult is stupid enough to dress up as this particular chicken making the only option to dress up vulnerable children. I think this poor child looks sort of confused about wearing chicken head and I think the photographer thought that confusion could be mistaken with cuteness - not with me! Also, I have noticed that the creator of this outrageous costume might have stolen Father Christmas' famous boots.
A child dressed as a Chicken. Poor Kid.
Father Christmas,
Poor Children.
Friday, 9 April 2010
#6 Southend United

Number 6. Southend United. This particular mascot is supposedly a shrimp but to me it rather looks like a carrot that has been painted light grey. Do shrimps even look like that? Also, its freakishly large smile looks like its been carved out of a stone - not a good look to have.
... I'm sorry, I just can't get over his pointed head, surely shrimps don't have heads shaped like that! It looks more like a squid than a shrimp, but at least it doesn't look like a chicken!
Not a Chicken - Shame.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
#5 Brighton & Hove Albion

Number 5. Brighton & Hove Albion. I feel sorry for this intruding Chicken because a real Seagull has made its nest on his head. I also believe that the Chicken in question has just been caught out in the photo as he has his hands up and he looks like he's about to pee himself.
Carrying on with sympathy, the poor Chicken has to carry his massive size 14 feet that have very strange football boots on, but what can I say, it's his own fault for impersonating a Seagull when he's a Chicken.
Defiantly a Chicken. No doubt about it.
Msssive Feet,
Strange Football Boots,
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
#4 Tottenham Hotspurs

Are these people trying to make him look friendly? If they are, it isn't working, he looks like his aim in life is to hypnotize little children.
It is a chicken, just a Male Chicken.
Monday, 5 April 2010
#3 Crystal Palace FC

Number 2. Crystal Palace's Pete the Eagle. Above is what the alledged 'eagle' looks like..., to me it looks rather like a chicken wearing sun glasses and in American Football kit.
This is a terrible attempt to disguise the Chicken in question and it looks like its an amateur-dramatics costume from a group that has a very low budget. The Chicken's eye brows are higher than the Himalayan Mountains and it looks like an old man's chest hair is exploding out of the shirt.
A poor excuse for an Eagle.
Obviously a Chicken.
chest hair,
Crystal Palace,
Himalayan Mountains,
Sunday, 4 April 2010
#2 Bristol City
Number 2. Bristol City. Quite clearly meant to be a Robin but also quite clearly one of the most tattiest footballl mascots of all time. As it also massively loooks like a chicken.
The beak which is obviously a painted wizard's hat is carelessly strapped around the imposting chicken's head which is covered with Wally's hat. And to end, the Chicken's poor attempt to disguise as a Robin is hugely ruined by the terrible stitching of red stomach. It looks like a blind woman with no idea how a robin should look and a surplus of thick cheap twine has been asked to make a robin costume. For a chicken.
Obviously a chicken. Enjoy.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
#1 Accrington Stanley FC

Number one. After visiting Accrington Stanley FC as a visiting Stockport County Fan, I was amused and disturbed to notice the alleged Eagle (pictured above) rather resembled a chicken. I know I am not alone in this belief. My brother and my dad both agree. In fact the sheer number of football mascots who are not chickens but strongly resemble chickens - often tatty, bedraggled chickens - is actually quite unnerving. I will be posting pictures of mascots that resemble chickens here as often as I can.
I will also be posting pics of other mascots that are just rubbish.
accrington stanley,
crap mascots,
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